Have you ever read a great book, seen an inspiring movie, or heard a great joke, and thought, “I’ve got to share that!” Of course you have! Here are a few things from my Reader in the last week (or two) that inspired and motivated me, made me happy, sad, and angry, made my stomach growl, and made me laugh.
Other than the picture above and the race announcement, Turkey Trot has nothing to do with this post. I’ve been writing the Weekly Reader for more than a year, always subtitling it with a phrase using the word inspiration. I think I may have run out of my own inspiration, for titles that is. It is probably time to move on to another phrase. In the meantime, here is what inspired me this week.
Vegan Inspiration
Notes from the Vegan Kitchen, Lobster Mushroom and Corn Chowder with White Bean “Cream.“ I love corn chowder. Bryanna’s version sounds (and looks) amazing.
Healthy. Happy. Life. Easy Vegan Almond Cups. Just because I don’t eat sweets very often (because they’re rarely vegan), doesn’t mean I don’t like them occasionally. Kathy’s version of this chocolatey treat makes my mouth water.
Oh She Glows, Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes for Every Course. Angela has put together an amazing resource to help you prepare a cruelty free Thanksgiving Dinner.
Running & Fitness Inspiration
Tina Reale, 20 Ways to Mix Up Your Strength Training Routine. If you like variety in your workout routine like I do, you’ll love Tina’s ideas to keep your strength training routine interesting. Variety is good for the mind and the body!
Fun & Fit, 5 Ways to Create Permanent Lifestyle Change. Did you know there are five key steps to changing habits? Kymberly and Alexandra do. Here they explain the steps you must go through to create make permanent lifestyle changes.
Run to the Finish, 7 Boredom Busting Treadmill Workouts. If you follow Amanda’s training, you know that some of her longer runs have been relegated to the treadmill lately. Here are some of her great ideas how not to go mindlessly crazy while running on a treadmill.
Blogging Inspiration
Hubspot, You Don’t Want Your Face Plastered All Over Google? You Have a Few Options. Did you know that Google changed their terms of service and may start using your face in their advertising? What? You missed that memo? Then you better read this.
Jennifer Grayeb, Protect Your Blog from Hackers. Has your blog been hacked? It is not fun, and it can be expensive to fix. Here are some great tips from Jennifer to protect your WordPress blog from hackers.
Blogelina, How to Monetize Your Blog the Right Way. Do you want to make money from your blog? Here are some tips from Tanya on how do get started.
Food for Thought
Run Wiki, 12 Reasons Why We Run. Those of us who run pretty much know why we love it, but it’s fun to read Lisa’s list and nod your head in agreement.
Truth2BeingFit, Are you Fat? Is This Fat? Are you sick and tired of the media creating ridiculous standards of body weight expectations? If you are, you will enjoy Jody’s rant.
Fit, Feminist, and (Almost) Fifty, Cross Fit, Crotch Shots, and Respect. A thought provoking post from Sam on Cross Fit and their respect (or lack of it) for the female athletes who represent the sport.
Hyperbole and a Half, Menace. I am always so happy to see an H & H post pop up in my reader that I have to share it.
Cotter Crunch, Why is it so Hard to Compliment Women? It’s true isn’t it? We have a hard time accepting compliments. Lindsey asked the thought provoking question and started a great conversation in the comments.
Now it’s your turn! Have you read (or written) something inspiring that you’d like to share?