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Training, Rock and Roll, and RAGNAR


Well, I finally did it. I’ve been talking about it for a month, but on Friday I finally pulled the trigger and signed up for the Rock and Roll Marathon in San Diego on June 1!

Confirmation Training, Rock and Roll, and RAGNAR

Whew! Now I guess I’d better create my training plan and get going. I signed Alan up too, so it was not a cheap endeavor, though I did get a discount code from Kristen. Still, I spent just shy of $300.

Shortly after I signed up, I received an email from RunningSkirts.com promoting a one-day 50% off sale. So I went ahead and spent even more money! Great service, by the way. I ordered the skirt on Friday and received it in the mail on Saturday! Too bad it was too cold to wear it on Sunday.

Running Skirt Training, Rock and Roll, and RAGNARNot sure if this will end up being my race outfit, but I love the color and the fit.

I’ve been saying that it has been seven years since my last marathon, just guestimating, so I decided I should look it up. I ran the Los Angeles Marathon on March 19, 2006, so it’s actually eight years. My last Rock and Roll marathon was on June 1, 2003, so it will be 11 years to the day when I run my next one!

Sunrise Training, Rock and Roll, and RAGNARThis wasn’t a running day, but it was such a beautiful sunrise. This is the view over the tennis courts behind my fitness center.


On Thursday I received an email from Melissa asking me if I would be interested in joining her So Cal Ragnar team. She had to pull out, and was trying to find a replacement. It will start in Huntington Beach on April 4 and finish in San Diego the next day. Pretty perfect time and location-wise.

Now, while I know a lot of friends and bloggers who have done Ragnar, and I understood that it was a long, relay type race, that was really all that I did know. Before I jumped in I decided I’d better look where I was diving.

Ragnar is the overnight running relay race that makes testing your limits a team sport.

From the Ragnar website: “You and 11 of your craziest friends (or 5 of your crazier friends for an ultra team) pile into two vans and tag team running 200(ish) miles, day and night, relay-style. Only one runner hits the road at a time. Each participant runs three times, with each leg ranging between 3-8 miles and varying in difficulty. So, from the elite runner down to the novice jogger, it’s the perfect race for anyone.

Okay, I thought, I can do this (I think). In April I’ll be well into marathon training, so the mileage should be fine (it looks like I’ll be Leg 12, with a total of about 18 miles). I checked with Alan to make sure we had nothing scheduled that weekend, and it was clear.  So, I guess I’m in! Ragnar here I come!

According to Melissa, most of the team is made up of women who met at Fitbloggin’ (and includes Carrie, the one person that I have met). I look forward to meeting the rest of the team. I have a feeling that by the end of the second day, I’ll have 11 new friends.

The Week in Training

RnRTraining5 Training, Rock and Roll, and RAGNAR

Finally, I had a good training week, though not quite as many miles as last week. With my half marathon next weekend, I decided to cut back a little on mileage for my long run, so I ran 10 miles. My legs felt beat up this week, so even 10 miles was a challenge. I attribute the sore legs to a couple tough classes that I taught, plus the general increase in mileage and intensity I’ve been adding. It served to remind me that I need to work on a good recovery plan alongside my training plan. More on this later in the week.

Tuesday I got out late (as usual) and only managed two miles. Well, at least I got a run. And it made Penny happy.

Wednesday, after taking Penny for about a half mile, I headed out for my tempo run. As I mentioned, my legs have been sore/tired all week, so it was more challenging that it should have been, but I did manage six miles total, with three at about half marathon pace, averaging 9:03 per mile.

Saturday is our regular trail run. Alan and I ran a little over five with Penny and Buddy, then I took the little girls for a mile. I stretched afterward (then slept about two hours!), but I still felt tired.

RnRTraining3 Training, Rock and Roll, and RAGNAR

Sunday, still fighting those tired legs, I took Penny for two miles, then headed out for another eight. I felt like this 10 miler was more difficult that last weeks 12 miles, but at least I got it done. Next week I’ll be running the Palm Springs Half Marathon, but mostly as a training run, giving myself a chance to run 13 miles as I really get started on my Rock and Roll marathon training.

RnRTraining2 Training, Rock and Roll, and RAGNAR

It was really cold in the morning too. After last weekend when I bragged about wearing short sleeves, the temperature as about 30 degrees colder. It was 31 degrees when I started my run!

I did have a dog rescuer moment as I was finishing up my long run. I was running uphill, less than a mile from home, I saw two dogs run across the fairly busy street about a quarter mile ahead of me. When I got there, two dogs were standing there, looking at me. I could see that the larger dog had a tag, and the other had a collar, but they wouldn’t let me get close.

Finally, the smaller of the two dogs started to head back across the street. I went into the street to stop traffic, then when the dog just kind of wandered down the middle of the street, I chased him toward the (safer) side. The other dog followed and they both ran into the front yard of a house. As I rang the doorbell, I noticed that the gate was slightly ajar. Both dogs went in through the gate and I shut it behind them. Nobody answered the door. I hope that it was their house, because otherwise the homeowners will be coming home to two new friends.

RnRTraining4 Training, Rock and Roll, and RAGNAR

I also taught two challenging strength classes, and a stretch class. So I’m feeling pretty good about my training. And excited that I’ve actually signed up for the race, not to mention Ragnar.

So much excitement! What exciting things did you do last week? Will I see you at Ragnar?

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